Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pictures (some are odd)

Hey I just wanted to post some pictures. They are kinda odd, and from a while a go.

This is cutie little Elsie in our old computer chair all snuggled in.

This was my hair after Ali put them in curlers, that was a while ago so my hair was shorter. Some one thought it was fake!

This me when I was going to the Siebal's house for a Christmas party.

And this is me from the side. (my hair was a whole head of curls, that is why she thought it was fake).

Later, Aleks
P.S.Sorry most of the pictures are of me:/


Anonymous said...

I like that you have been posting more often now! :) I love the look soooooo pretty! Your hair is just beautiful, and the dress, too! Of course your face is the prettiest part. =)
We just had our church kids (grades 1-8) christmas program (musical) this weekend. It was fun! I helped direct it with 3 ladies and 2 of my friends. I had a drama part, too. I was the mom, and Abby was my daughter! lol
Hope you're having a good day!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha I'm not very pretty at all. plus that was a while ago.
