Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Misc. pics.

Hey everyone! How y'all doing? Here are some pictures of, well, stuff!

Anja, Elsie and Emmy.

Had a matching hair day!

The best big sister and prettiest big sister, Ali!!
Emmy, Anja and Grace bizzy coloring!

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Fun Visit!

Hey Everyone! On August 30th Emmy had her 8th birthday and also our friends, the Raddants, came over in the evening. They stayed tell, Wednesday the 3rd. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Happy Birthday to you!!

Last year when the Raddants came, the Dads and Ike and Zack had a football game. It was Dads on Boys. But this year they said that they should have one of the Dads with one of the boys. So, Dad and Zack were on a team and Mr.Raddant and Ike.
Ike going up for a catch (I think he got it, too).

Hike!!! Well, Mr.Raddant and Ike won. The score was pretty bad on Dad and Zack's side because it was 77 to 21.

Rebekah, Emmy, Rachel, Caleb, Sam and Hannah on the trampoline.

Rachel, Hanna,Emmy and Rebekah playing cards.


Emmy, Hannah, and Caleb.


There was also a hot air balloon that was really low! So we got some really nice pictures of it! We also went swimming in the creek a couple times but didn't get any pictures of it.

Well, sorry there weren't any more pictures :/
Love Aleks

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pictures of Jacob!

I hope you enjoy the pictures!!

He's SOO cute!!!

Jake loves Mom!